J. B. Toner studied Literature at Thomas More College, hold a black belt in Ohana Kilohana Kenpo-Jujitsu, and currently works as a groundskeeper at a retirement home in New Hampshire. He has published poetry with First Things and Dappled Things, articles with The Wanderer and The Remnant, and fiction with Aphelion, Asymmetry, Aurora Wolf, Bottom Shelf Whiskey, Blood Moon Rising, Danse Macabre, Infernal Ink, Longshot Island, Page & Spine, and Swords & Sorcery.
What is the best piece of advice you have for new writers?
Just keep at it, man. No matter what. This is who we are.
Are there any writing resources, such as books or websites, you’d like to recommend?
I have found Ralan to be indispensable.
What is your favorite type of fiction and who are your favorite authors?
Fantasy. My Big Three are Tolkien, Lewis and Chesterton. (Friggin’ Brits.)
How do you measure success when it comes to your writing?
Two things, inner and outer. First, how closely does the finished story mirror the vision that I set out to capture? And second, how is it received by people whose judgment I admire and trust?
What tips do you have for finding time to write?
Yeah, this one is really hard. The best I can say is, try to make full use of moments when you’re technically busy but not using your mind. Fine-tune plotlines in your head at the drive-thru. Write dialogue on your phone while you’re pooping. Just make the most of the blank spots in your day.
How do you deal with rejections?
Do you ever get criticism from family or friends who don’t understand your passion?
Yep. I just try to fulfill my responsibilities and keep writing. In the end, the people that love you will either accept who you are or they won’t. Meanwhile, meet ’em where they are.
What are your writing goals for the next twelve months?
I have a novel which I must and shall get published this year.
What book are you reading right now?
Trying to read The Possessed by Dostoevsky. Cheery stuff, for sure.
Is there anything you’d like to plug? Feel free to share a link.
I blog at jbtoner.blogspot.com and tweet at AntiheroCouplet@twitter.com. Rock on, my friends.